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Within our training we offer innovative solutions and advice for writing and managing your project. Irrespective of whether you apply for European, national or international funding. We care about you and your needs.

Our portfolio offers tailor made workshop concepts designed to provide proposal writers with the environment and the tools to win funding for their own project in a time-efficient manner. Our team of experts has more than 20 years of successful proposal writing experience as well as evaluator for the Frameworkprogramme and national funding bodies.

Please find below the list of on remote workshops we offer at this moment:

The webinar will provide you with important information what to consider when you apply for third party funding. It will demonstrate you the common pitfalls by presenting "Ten simple rules to write a successful proposal". This module is transferable to all funding programmes.
Duration: 1 x 90 Minutes , Number of participants: 6-25
Date: on demand
Prices: 75,00 € per participant (including VAT)*
*Please notice that for participants with residence outside of Germany will be VAT exempt.

This training module takes a practical approach to teaching young researchers how to apply for third-party funding and principles in proposal writing. The participants get a primer on the perspective of funders and expert reviewers and learn how to use the different perspectives to optimize their proposal concept addressing the three aspects of Excellence, Impact and Implementation. This training series is based on the funding instruments of Horizon Europe. Its contents are transferable to most national funding instruments, but only to a limited extent to DFG funding instruments. If you would like to write a DFG proposal, you are welcome to attend our courses on DFG funding.

Duration: 1 x 4h , Number of participants: 6-10
Date:  new dates will follow soon
Prices: 130,00 € per participant (including VAT)*
For registration please send email to: training[at]sb-sciencemanagement.com
*Please notice that for participants with residence outside of Germany will be VAT exempt.
The webinar takes a practical approach to teaching researchers how to apply for DFG funding. During the training we will explain the template structure and the sections needed to be addressed by the applicants. Special focus will be to teach the participants how to develop a research concept/work programme.
This training unit is based on the funding instruments of the German Science Foundation for early stage scientists:  Research grant (own position).
Duration: 2 x 4,5 hours including break plus 30 Minutes individual coaching per participant. Number of participants: 6-10
Dates: on request
Prices: 480,00 € per participant including VAT*
For registration please send email to: training[at]sb-sciencemanagement.com
*Please notice that for participants with residence outside of Germany will be VAT exempt.
In this Webinar “Science and Society”, we will introduce to you fundamental aspects how your research relates to the field of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) including scientific integrity, Open Science, gender aspects and innovation management. All of these topics have relevance in your daily life as researchers, and needs to be considered when writing convincing research proposals.
Duration: 1 x 4h , Number of participants: 6-10
Date:  on demand. Training from 9:30 am to 2 pm
Prices: 130,00 € per participant including VAT*
For registration please send email to: training[at]sb-sciencemanagement.com, subject=Training Science & Society
*Please notice that for participants with residence outside of Germany will be VAT exempt.

In this webinar, we will introduce you to fundamental aspects of good scientific practice and ethics in research. All these topics are relevant in your everyday life as a researcher, especially when generating, processing, analysing and using data in times of AI and ChatGPT.

Duration: 1 x 4h , Number of participants: 6-10
Date:  on demand. Training from 9:30 am to 2 pm
Prices: 130,00 € per participant including VAT*
For registration please send email to: training[at]sb-sciencemanagement.com, subject=Training Research Integrity
*Please notice that for participants with residence outside of Germany will be VAT exempt.

Develop your own career plan and identify the steps that you need to take to aquire your perfect future position. During our training course we will raise the participants awarenes for the broad spectrum of potential employment sectors inside and outside the academic setting. With the help of real world job offers and the participants will learn to read and understand the employers’ requirements. Special exercises will help participants to reflect on which professions they are already well positioned for and where they need to improve their skill portfolio for successful application.

Duration: 1 day, Number of participants: 6-12
Date:  new dates will follow soon
Prices: 400,00 € per participant including VAT*
For registration please send email to: training[at]sb-sciencemanagement.com
*Please notice that for participants with residence outside of Germany will be VAT exempt.

The key to sustainable personal and professional success is how well we can understand ourselves and others. Every person is influenced by their empirical knowledge, which they have experienced in certain situations. This creates patterns that settle in the subconscious. Usually these patterns are so strongly internalized that they are not perceived consciously. Even as adults, we behave true to our learned patterns. In a moderate form, their influence on us either can motivate us, or, in the extreme, burden us, constrict or block.
Which preferences we develop, the patterns we follow, is the key to sustained success both personally and professionally, or the cause of misunderstandings and / or failure.
We can help to improve your self-knowledge and identify your development talents and potential to help you assessing your personality and your personal and professional potential.
Our analysis, is based on different questions, is neutral and puts people in the foreground with their unique dispositions and possibilities, not their classification in "good" or "bad".
The analysis is based on two online questionnaires on personality and activity traits. It consists questions and determines your individual personality structure, i. e. your strengths, abilities and talents in your current state of development and your already completed development steps.
We analyse your answers and give individual feedback in written and personal conversation.

Duration: 1 x 1h for the questionaire, 1 x up to 1,5 hours oral feedback,  Number of participants: 1
Date:  on demand
Prices: 350,00 € per participant including VAT*
Prices for students:180 € participant including VAT*
For registration please send email to: coaching[at]sb-sciencemanagement.com subject: coaching
*Please notice that for participants with residence outside of Germany will be VAT exempt.


Certified Coach Potential Compass Basic Lead Susanne HollmannCertified Coach Potential Compass Basic Lead Susanne Hollmann

If you are interested in other training topics in context with scientific management, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to develop tailor-made formats with and for you.

Keep updated about our training offers and follow us on LinkedIn!

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