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SBSM is doing research in different areas in context with RRI.

With the implementation of the principles of Open Science, researchers are expected to make their data publicly available. In the rush to support open practices, new data sharing policies have been introduced by everyone from funders and publishers to scientific infrastructures and community-based organisations, with little coordination between the steps. In some cases (disciplines), the requirement to implement and apply the principles of open science has created a complex and fragmented system, resulting, for example, in data being widely dispersed across different repositories in a variety of formats and with metadata of varying quality.

Access to data alone is useless if it is not made available in a way that enables accurate and meaningful reanalysis. It is therefore crucial to invest in the development of sustainable quality assurance mechanisms to ensure that published data are easily discoverable, accessible, reproducible and reusable (FAIR). See video about our project CHARME below

Furthermore, the principles of open science are also treated very differently within disciplines depending on their historically evolved social norms.
Research Integrity and Ethics are important pillars of research and part of RRI. Here too, we see great differences in the implementation of responsible research, often due to a lack of training and education. As RRI is a strongly multi- and interdisciplinary approach, common denominators need to be found that are equally easy to understand and apply for all disciplines.  We therefore analyse current practices and develop recommendations and modules to bring RRI into practice. To do so we work together with social scientists and socioeconomists in order to tranfer methods and knowledge across disciplines.


Are you looking for a partner to implement RRI studies in your project?  Whether in national or international funded projects, we are happy to work with you to develop a customised work package optimised for your project.

Please contact info[at]sb-sciencemanagement.com to learn about our offer(s).

Cost Action CHARME

Harmonising standardisation strategies to increase efficiency and competitiveness of European life-science research (CHARME)

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